August 1, 2015

Golf Course Marketing and Professional Golf Membership Sales​

I can’t think of a nobler profession in life than that of helping someone accomplish their goals which enable them to enjoy the sport and lifestyle they are passionate about. You have a moral obligation to provide the very best service you can to help your prospects fulfill their dreams if it is within your ability.

People have 6 core emotions they must satisfy and a golf membership or loyalty program satisfies all 6 of those needs. You already have the best product in the world with the core emotional needs already built in. If a golfer comes to your golf property and you are not prepared and qualified to help them make an informed decision, it is a huge disservice to the golfer,  your business and community.

Whether you own a golf course, you’re looking to grow a golf property or you just want to grow your golf career; golf marketing and professional golf membership (or loyalty program) sales are the ultimate skills needed for long term success.

Let Me Give You A Few Reasons Why Golf Course Marketing And Professional Golf Membership Sales (Loyalty Programs) Are A Must!

  • Golf Marketing Promotes Product Awareness to the Public.
  • Golf Marketing is absolutely the best way to acquire more golfers.
  • A golf marketing plan prepares your business to be proactive in what the market does. Without a golf marketing plan, you end up reacting to changes and to competition, which means you are always a step behind those who are already prepared.
  • Golf marketing communications creates “top of mind” awareness.
  • Golf marketing positions you as a preferred brand and preferred brands command a premium price.
  • Golf marketing is a function that produces tangible as well as intangible results such as brand recognition, it sometimes is perceived as an unnecessary cost rather than a competitive necessity. During economic downturns or other periods of economic uncertainty, one of the first areas companies typically cut is golf marketing spending. However, allocating steady funding toward marketing programs that nurture customer loyalty and brand-building helps golf courses remain competitive during and after market conditions improve.

Thank you for partnering with MMC® today in growing the game, your golf course and your golf career.


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