Golf Consumer Profiling Last month I wrote and produced a vlog on demographic data. I referenced the 2016 presidential election and how data plays a major role in politicians marketing strategy. Today, I am going to address psychographics. Psychographics is the study of attitudes, interests and lifestyles. As we now know from the results of...

Golf Demographics Since this is an election year I thought it befitting to discuss demographics. I want to give you just another inside tip as to the value of profiled personalized direct mail.  I thought I would use this election to hammer in the importance of customer profiling and the weight politicians put on knowing...

Rock-Tober – The End of Your Golf Season Is Just the Beginning of MMC®’s! Most operators in the northern states push it hard FROM April 1st until Labor Day. They spend most of their season hoping they will get their rounds in, hoping they will have good weather and hoping they will have a job...

Lost Leader Golf Marketing Throughout MMC®’s site you will hear the term “lost leader” used as a golf marketing strategy. The more familiar (conventional) golf marketing term for this concept is often confused with “loss leader” (something sold at a loss in order to draw in golfers); but since you don’t always have to suffer...

Closing Out Your Season Strong The season is almost over for a lot of golf courses and I venture to guess they are nowhere near their targeted goal as far as rounds or revenue is concerned. This is a vicious cycle most golf courses go through each year. They start out the season with the...

Golf Course Marketing Loss Aversion Loss aversion is avoiding loss of any kind at all cost. Businesses will do (or must do) anything and everything possible to avoid suffering a loss especially when it comes to revenue (rounds). Golf course owners are losing rounds and revenue in 2016 only because they are still running their...

The Last Day Must Be The Last Day! Building your brand and reputation means conditioning your golfers and market to perceive you and your golf course as X. The fastest and most effective way of accomplishing this is by being consistent in your words/message and actions. The best time to start this is NOW. It...

MMC® is Celebrating our 25th Year Anniversary. Business Is All About Numbers, So Here Are MMC®’s Numbers MMC® launched our first promotion in 1991. We entered into the golf industry in 2006. Since entering the golf industry MMC® has worked with more than 200 golf courses over the past ten years. We have acquired more...

Golf Marketing the New Norm Like it or not, there is a “new norm” for the golf industry. If you own or manage a golf course and you want to thrive in the golf business or worst-case scenario at least be financially solvent over the next 10 years you had better suspend your ego for...

Millennial Marketing Preferred social media platforms are changing fast and trying to stay abreast of the new “in” platform is daunting. First it was Facebook then Twitter, then Snapchat and there will be another, then another. Targeting Millennials is far more complicated than just learning how to build a FB page or tweeting on Twitter....