Golf Course Marketing Differential Advantage

The differential advantage is the benefits a golf course has over its competitors. This may be a golf course’s unique selling proposition or some advantage the golf course has through its operations, such as a lower-barrier-to-entry, or the service that it provides, e.g., simulated golf during the winter months.

Every golf course has its own differential advantage over their competitors. It just takes a little time and research to determine your differential advantage over your competitor and there could be numerous advantages. As a golf marketer, you must know what differential advantage you have over your competitor and capitalize on this advantage.

Almost all golf courses are the same, although they have a little difference, but if you take it down to the bare bones, i.e., nine (9) holes, eighteen (18) holes of golf, etc., are essentially what we are all selling. But then you bring in the differential advantage or advantages of your golf course which catapults you over your competitor, e.g., the golfing experience, your club house, driving range, clinics, banquet facility.

Marketing a golf course is finding out what advantages a golfer will receive by golfing at your golf course. Why should they join your golf course or golf at your course as opposed to your competitor? What separates you from your competitor, what makes your golf rates a better value than your competitor’s, etc.? Start learning by asking yourself good questions and your brain will give you great answers.

These are the same questions golfers are asking themselves, “Which is better, course ABC or course XYZ?”, “Why should I join ABC golf course over XYZ golf course?” etc. These questions are going through their minds and you need to come up with those answers. Put those answers out in the forefront and discover your differential advantage. Give the golfer valid emotional and logical reasons for golfing at your golf course and you will start to grow your golf course, the game and your golf career.

For more free tips on growing the game, increasing rounds through golf course marketing, golf marketing, golf course campaigns, golf campaigns, professional golf membership sales and advancing your golf career visit us today @ or call 904-217-3762.


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