My name is Chuck Thompson, I am the Founder and President of MMCŽ, and I have focused all of my resources in the sales and marketing industry since 1982. I began my professional career in a sales position with a local health club and through the years transitioned through membership sales, membership marketing, management, mid-management, upper...

When I speak of “business modeling” I am talking about “role models”, not to be confused with copying your competitor’s business model. Find people who are accomplishing the goals you want to accomplish and model what they do to accomplish the desired result. According to Wikipedia ( the term “role model” generally means “any person...

I really have to share this definition by Wikipedia with you about procrastination so you can see how important psychology is in golf marketing and golf professional sales. I will be inserting key points as needed. In psychology, procrastination refers to the act of replacing more urgent actions with tasks less urgent, or doing something...

Time management as defined by is the act or process of planning and exercising conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency or productivity. One of the most common excuses I hear when it comes to golf marketers to justify their procrastination is they say they...

Golf courses need golfers and the only way to acquire golfers is through golf marketing. Even if it is only golf marketing through word of mouth, you must always be thinking about growing your golf course and your golf career. Golf markets don’t underperform…golf marketers underperform. The very basic place to start is with the...

An acquisition strategy is the process of locating those potential golfers who are in the market and bringing those golfers to your golf course or to your golf course’s web site and locking-up the relationship, i.e., close the sale. I absolutely love the sound of acquisitioning golfers. Basically, you are going out in the market...

First we need to do a little research and ask ourselves some questions to determine how much a golf member is worth over the lifetime of the membership. What is the lifetime value (net worth) of your golf member? How much will they spend upfront at the point-of-sale to become a member of the golf...

Active listening is a method of listening that is used by effective researchers, professional golf marketers, and professional golf membership advisors that attempts to draw out as much information as possible by actively processing information received and stimulating the communication for additional information. Knowledge is power and the person with the most information and education...

Barter is defined in the dictionary as, “to exchange goods or services in return for other goods or services”; in this golf marketing tip we will discuss trading golf advertisement for golf rounds, golf products, golf services or golf membership without the exchange of money. Bartering has been around since the beginning of mankind but...