Golf Course Marketing Excitement

When designing a golf marketing campaign, you must focus your efforts around creating a feeling of great enthusiasm and eagerness.  Highlight a golf product and/or golf service that arouses this feeling in golfers.

Creating excitement and enthusiasm is a necessity for all golf marketing campaigns. You have to be able to transfer your enthusiasm and excitement about your golf course to the golfers.

Creating excitement is essential in branding your golf course. I have said a million times, “people buy for emotional reasons and justify their purchases for logical reasons”. You have to create enormous excitement to get the golfer off his/her butt and get him/her out to the golf course. But the excitement should not stop with just the golf marketing campaign, you have to keep the golfer excited from the first time he/she steps on your golf property until he/she becomes a member or commits his/her loyalty to your golf course.

You have to make sure you have a welcoming smile when the golfer comes to visit the golf course.  It is important to get them excited about being at the golf course so you can get them to want to come back to the golf course.

Everybody loves to go somewhere where everyone welcomes them, loves them, and greets them with a smile.

This is the first impression the golfer is going to have about your golf course. It has to be a strong impression to make them feel welcome and to feel excited about being a member of your golf course.

Take time on gathering some information to find out what the golfer’s goals are. Know their wants and desires; know what their emotional reasons are for them being at the golf course, what needs they are trying to satisfy, etc.  After you get this information, take them for a tour around the golf property and make sure they are excited at every turn of the tour.

Take chances; it doesn’t hurt anything to let golfers feel the excitement of hitting a few balls because now the presentation will get their senses involved as well. The more you can do to get them excited about playing golf at your golf course, the easier it will be for you to lock-up the relationship.

For more free tips on growing the game, increasing rounds through golf course marketing, golf marketing, golf course campaigns, golf campaigns, professional golf membership sales and advancing your golf career visit us today @ or call 904-217-3762.


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