Golf Course Marketing Vs. Market Rate of Interest

Today’s topic is not necessarily about market rate of interest. It is about the enormous unnecessary expenses you incur when you are borrowing money from a bank or any other lending institution when your goal should be to increase your revenue at your golf course and not go further in debt. It is far easier to design a golf marketing campaign that will acquire new golfers and therefor grow your golf course and its revenue. I know for the past 3, 4, 5, or maybe even 10 years, you have been trying to acquire new golfers without any (or minimal) success; the problem is, you are still doing business as usual. You are doing business the way golf courses did business 20, 30, 40 years ago.

Today’s consumer (golfer) is unlike any of past generations and a complete different set of rules apply when it comes to marketing your golf course to the millennial. Your targets (prospective golf members) have far more opportunities to play golf at one of a dozen different golf courses and they will shop for the best value. This is so different than 20 or 30 years ago. They have more options and are better educated when it comes to consumer shopping. They have far more resources available to them via the Internet to be able to shop prices and value of golf courses without ever leaving their office.

This is not rocket science, whether you like the idea or not, you must adapt or die. You don’t have to discount golf fees or discount memberships to get people into the door; you just have to restructure your golf marketing campaign to where your course is more appealing to the golfers than your competitor’s.

You have to create a golf marketing campaign that will make your perceived value by the golfers of being far greater than you were before. Put out some advertisements in the local newspapers that are polar opposites of your competitor’s and build a website with powerful keywords where golfers can find your golf course when they go online. Give them a little information by sending out monthly tips or anything informational e.g., instructions, tips on etiquette, so they will see you are willing to go one step further than your competitor to engage them and they will automatically assume you are willing to do the same when it comes to your golf course. By doing these two simple things, you will see an increase in your response rate as opposed to what you have been seeing in the past.

MMC® has no-risk/self-funding cash promotions ( that raise anywhere from $100,000.00 to $500,000.00 in immediate cash. Running a golf promotional campaign with MMC® to acquire new golfers is a far better idea than putting yourself deeper in debt when you borrow money from a bank or any other lending institution. So in short, who cares what the market rate of interest is today. Grow your course with MMC® and never borrow money again.

When you partner with MMC®, you never have to worry about the market rate of interest because you will definitely grow your golf course, the game and your golf career.

For more free tips on growing the game, increasing rounds through golf course marketing, golf marketing, golf course campaigns, golf campaigns, professional golf membership sales and advancing your golf career visit us today @ or call 904-217-3762.


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