Golf Marketing Business Model

When I speak of “business modeling” I am talking about “role models”, not to be confused with copying your competitor’s business model. Find people who are accomplishing the goals you want to accomplish and model what they do to accomplish the desired result. According to Wikipedia ( the term “role model” generally means “any person who serves as an example, whose behavior is emulated by others”. For example, if you love the game of golf find the golfer that best fits you and start to model him/her, e.g., swing, stance, practice regime, etc.

The same is applicable to business modeling. If you are looking to grow your golf course look for people who are experts at growing the game and model them. If the person(s) you are getting your advice from has not achieved the goals you are wanting, do not take their advice. The 80/20 rule applies to almost all things in life. Eighty percent of today’s golf properties are struggling; copying, modeling or even listening to their advice will only get you what they have…misery.

Don’t just look in one place or for one person to give you all of the answers. A diversity of knowledge and independent thinking are healthy ways to spark innovation. You want a variety of perspectives; no one is great at all things. It is imperative for you to find numerous role models to help you improve in all of the departments of your golf course.

When you find the ideal model, mirror exactly what they do so you will get the exact same results. If it is a Golf Professional and he says get up at 4:00 every morning and hit balls…get up every morning at 4:00 and hit balls. If it is a golf course marketing consultant like MMC® ( and they tell you to mail to everyone within a 20 mile radius of your golf property…mail to everyone within a 20 mile radius of your golf property.

Modeling works if you actually “model” what needs to be done and get your head and ego out of the way. You may not agree with the way your role model does everything and it will be easy to criticize, but in the beginning try not to focus on anything but modeling everything until you too can produce the result. At that point, it will be time for you to start adding and deleting things to come up with your perfect idea of a golf business model.

Find successful role models and you will grow your golf course, the game and your golf career.

For more free tips on growing the game, increasing rounds through golf course marketing, golf marketing, golf course campaigns, golf campaigns, professional golf membership sales and advancing your golf career visit us today @ or call 904-217-3762.


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