Article golf marketing is a fantastic way to build your brand and to raise revenue for your golf course. Writing an article for your local newspaper is an excellent example for golf professionals to start marketing their golf course and themselves. A golf professional should contact their local newspapers and talk with the editors and explain that they would like to give some lessons and free tips on golf and would like to write either a weekly, monthly or seasonal articles on the game of golf. This way it gets the golf professional’s name out in the market place which helps in growing his/her golf career. It gets the golf course’s name out in the market place which helps with the branding and name recognition that brings golfers in to the golf facility. The best golf marketing is free golf marketing and in this scenario, everyone wins…the newspaper, the golf course, the golfer, the community and the golf professional.
Another great thing to do is to write periodic articles on your website. Put a page on your website that is dedicated to educational information like how to improve their game, how to grip the golf course, how to hit the ball straighter, how to manage the golf course, etc. All of these articles are free information and educational which will drive traffic to your site and therefore drive traffic to your golf facility and I reiterate…its free golf marketing.
Once you start to build the reputation of your brand as being the “go to” golf course for educational information, they will then count on you or will always seek you out for additional information. These all lead towards education and informational marketing and you can do it by incorporating other mediums of media as well. Get in touch with your local newspaper and start writing an article today. Start blogging today; get a blog set up for your website and start getting golfers to come to your golf website for “the” information on how to improve their game that will build your brand as golf professional as well. There is no better time to start taking advantage of free golf marketing than today.
Start writing articles today and get your golf course some free golf marketing and you will grow your golf course, the game and your golf career.
For more free tips on growing the game, increasing rounds through golf course marketing, golf marketing, golf course campaigns, golf campaigns, professional golf membership sales and advancing your golf career visit us today @ or call 904-217-3762.