December 1, 2015


It is time the golf industry faces reality. For the past decade owners, pros and managers have been complaining about the decline in golf rounds and revenue and have pledge to grow the game. Unfortunately, courses are still losing golfers, rounds and revenue every year. Everyone makes excuses for the downturn like, there are too many golf courses and consumers are losing interest in the game. The reality is, the powers-that-be in the industry are living in the past and refuse to face the reality that the industry must change and adapt to a new consumer. If we continue to try to do business like our fathers and grandfathers we will bury our businesses just as we are burying our most dedicated golfers. The Hero generation is dying off and they are the last of the traditional committed core golfers.

The Hero generation lived for the club; they socialized at the club, conducted business at the club, dined at the club, networked at the club and supported the club wholeheartedly but those days are over. Baby boomers are far less committed to the club and exercise their options for getting the best bang for their buck. Generation X as well as the Millennials is so digitally connected they don’t make time for golf and when they do, they go on-line to find the deal-of-the-day on green fees.

There are basically four categories of golfers; core golfers (mostly Hero generation with a few Baby boomers) who play one hundred plus rounds per year and spend pennies doing so because they are on a fixed budget, avid golfers (primarily Baby boomers) who golf around fifty plus times a year but spread their rounds over a number of golf courses casual golfers (Generation X and some Millennials) who golf around ten rounds per year and by nature are uncommitted to any group, club or affiliation and finally the non-golfer (most likely Millennials) who have shown some interest in the game through their buying habits but rarely play a round if ever.

The reality of the industry is, there are plenty of golfers to support all courses but most courses are destined to fail because no one is thinking outside-the-box on how to capture this elusive market. People are trying all kinds of wacky ways to change the game but the game is not the problem; the problem is your marketing and antiquated business model. MMC® has locked-up relationships with hundreds of thousands of golfers for our one-hundred eighty plus golf courses over the past ten years while everyone else is still waiting for things to get better. Well, guess what; they are not going to magically get better until you learn to accept reality and adapt to the changing market. I once hear “you can ignore reality but you can never ignore the consequences of reality”.

You’ve seen our postcards; it’s not a “get rich quick scheme” it’s thinking outside-the-box and redirecting the revenue stream. MMC®’s programs give you the cash you need today and the security you’ll need tomorrow.

Thank you for partnering with MMC® today in growing the game, your golf course and your golf career.


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