Engagement Golf Marketing

Engagement golf marketing is an excellent way to get key information from your golfers whom you are already servicing. A couple of good examples of engagement golf marketing are surveys and questionnaires.

One of the things you want to do is create an open forum on your golf website. Not every golfer will leave a pleasant comment on your forum so you will want to monitor and manage the forum and take out any golfer’s comment that is being belligerent or saying anything obscene that is not productive in improving your brand. A better way of doing this is to put together a forum where golfers can go on your site and make comments. A lot of golf courses don’t like to do this because they feel the golfers will just join the forum to complain. That is not what the golfer will do if you set up the forum in a way that you direct them to the information that you are trying to gather.

For example, ask the golfer a question like, “What do you like most about the golf course?” Get them to tell you what golf products and golf services you offer they liked best, what areas of your golf property they want to see an improvement, what other activities or programs would they like you to implement, in what other possible ways can you earn their long-term loyalty, would they recommend your golf course to their family and friends, why or why not, etc.

Your golfers are your best source of information. Come up with a list of about 10 questions that will guide you in the right direction and get the answers from your golfers. This way, you will be able to develop your golf marketing campaigns based on their desires and their emotional attachment to your golf course. As I stated before, we all have basic emotional needs and one of those needs is the need to feel contribution. Through engagement golf marketing, your golfers feel the sense of contribution as they are becoming a part of the growth of the golf course.

Golf courses always ask their golfers for more money or to bring in friends and relatives but rarely do they ask their golfers what the golfers think about their golf course. By facilitating engagement golf marketing, you are not only going to engage the golfer on their level but you are also going to accomplish four things. One, you will engage the golfer, making them feel important, i.e., by showing them respect. Two, you are giving your golfers the opportunity to contribute their knowledge. Three, you will strengthen your connection with the golfer. Four, you will get the most valuable information on how to guarantee success for your future golf marketing campaigns.

Start developing some surveys and questionnaire for your golf course’s engagement golf marketing and you will grow your golf course, the game and your golf career.

For more free tips on growing the game, increasing rounds through golf course marketing, golf marketing, golf course campaigns, golf campaigns, professional golf membership sales and advancing your golf career visit us today @ www.golfmarketingmmc.com or call 904-217-3762.


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