Golf Course Marketing: Decay of a Learned Response

Decay of a learned response as defined by  is the fading of memory of a specific learned response. Because forgetting is a controversial issue among learning theorists, some claiming that nothing is ever forgotten, the terms decay of advertising effects or decay of a learned response are more accurate for the process of forgetting.

This is a perfect example of why I tell our golf clubs every day that they must stay in the golfer’s mind frequently. The reason why I say this is, golfers tend to forget what they have seen or learned about your golf club/course.

Golf course marketing is essential to keep your brand at the forefront of golfer’s minds. You have to continuously educate the golfer and remind them of your brand. You have to engage them at least once a month, preferably once a week, but not overdoing it; just consistently going out there with something of value.

This is one of the reasons why I try to get golf professionals to put a blog on their websites, so it gives people (golfers) new education and information on the game of golf.  It is also a great tool to use for branding and golf marketing campaigns.

Send out titbits of tips on golf, about playing the game of golf, about the etiquette of golf, or just anything about golf that is informative and educational to stay on the golfer’s mind.

It is so easy for golfers to forget that your golf club even exists. You can be 5 miles down the road and golfers drive by your golf course a hundred times every year and they still don’t place you in the forefront when they are deciding where to play their round this weekend.

By designing a professional golf marketing campaign and putting together a branding strategy for your golf club, you are going to be able to eliminate people (golfers) decay or simply forgetting your name, your image and/or your brand.

Whenever somebody mentions the word golf or mentions playing golf, you want your golf course to be the first thing on their lips. Golf marketing and branding, if done consistently, will absolutely grow your golf course and your golf career.

For more free tips on growing the game, increasing rounds through golf course marketing, golf marketing, golf course campaigns, golf campaigns, professional golf membership sales and advancing your golf career visit us today @ or call 904-217-3762.


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