Golf Course Marketing Perceived Risk

A perceived risk is a functional or psychosocial risk a golfer feels he/she is taking when purchasing a golf product and/or golf service.

One of the challenges a golf membership director has when selling golf memberships, anyone selling something pertaining to golf, or any other consumer product or service is to overcome the fear or  perceived risk the golfer may have of purchasing your golf product and/or golf service. It is so important you study the psychology of selling and once you start to learn how the golfer thinks, feels and the emotions they experience when coming into your golf course, you will start to figure out ways to eliminate any perceived risk he/ she may have during the golf membership sales presentation.

One of the biggest perceived risks or the fear most golfers encounter or feel is the risk of being financially obligated to a golf membership. This is why it is so important to learn how to present your golf membership professionally. If you are professionally trained or you study on your own and learn how to present your golf membership with no perceived risk i.e., no downside, and nothing but the perceived value (upside), you will find it much easier to lock-up relationships.

For example, one of our taglines in MMC® is, “we acquire new golfers through no-risk/ self-funding promotional campaigns” and we even go one step further by saying “MMC® is a performance-based golf marketing company that works on a success fee only”. By saying performance-based, it eliminates any perceived risk (no-downside) a golf course owner, golf course manager or golf pro might have which may be stopping them from partnering with us in growing their golf course.

Learn how to eliminate the perceived risk your prospective golfers have and you will grow your golf course, the game and your golf career.

For more free tips on growing the game, increasing rounds through golf course marketing, golf marketing, golf course campaigns, golf campaigns, professional golf membership sales and advancing your golf career visit us today @ or call 904-217-3762.


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