Golf Course Venue Marketing

According to, venue marketing is a promotional strategy linking a sponsor to a physical site (sponsorship of stadiums, arenas, auditoriums, amphitheatres, racetracks, fairgrounds, etc.).

Venue marketing can also be taken one step further when it comes to the golf course marketing. We can put a corporate name on different holes advertising different sponsors. It’s kind of like sponsorship marketing but you could actually lease the space to the sponsors for a period of time.

Venue marketing and sponsorship marketing are very similar except for the fact that in most cases, venue marketing actually purchases the venue. Whereas in golf marketing, we can let them sponsor the hole just like what we do during golf tournaments, events, outings, etc..

When it comes to golf course marketing, there are a lot of resources available to market your golf course. If you are thinking outside-the- box, you can think of numerous ways to market your golf course.

One of the resources you can easily facilitate is to go to a golf or sporting goods store and ask them if they would like to sponsor a hole for a year. Give them a one year agreement for the sponsorship of the hole; this will put their brand in front of the golfer for the entire year. By doing so, they are always going to get the name recognition and golfers are going to perceive them as a great company with which to do business.

The easy sales presentation for you with the golf store is on average, there is a foursome that will be on the tee box and will be looking at your advertisement for at least every 3 to four minutes. This will help them when it comes to building their brand with their ideal customer (our golfer). These are active golfers who could easily be turned into paying customers of their golf products.

There are a lot of types of businesses that would be interested in this type of venue marketing. It’s really sponsorship marketing but this just opens up the numerous ideas that you should be thinking about or coming up with to grow your golf course and your golf career.

This is an excellent way for you to reach out to the community and engage local businesses to sponsor your venue/your golf course.

For more free tips on growing the game, increasing rounds through golf course marketing, golf marketing, golf course campaigns, golf campaigns, professional golf membership sales and advancing your golf career visit us today @ or call 904-217-3762.


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