Peak Season Golf Course Marketing

All of you are familiar with the term peak season. When you are designing your golf marketing strategy for the year, everything should be dictated by your peak season. You want to make sure you maximize your branding advertisement throughout the year and then maximize your golfer acquisition programs through your peak season.

This is the way the average golf club should set up their golf marketing strategy. You should set it up where you are working on building your brand and keeping your golf club’s name in the minds of every golfer throughout the entire year. Then before you go into your peak season, you want to start capturing and acquiring new golfers.

This is the opposite of what MMC® does. MMC® can capture golfers during peak season as well as off-peak season. When MMC® targets golfers; we have the ability to get them to respond to our golf marketing efforts any time of the year.

In fact, most golf courses that hire us to run golfer acquisition programs for them normally come to us after peak season. The reason for this is they feel that they cannot handle the volume during peak season. But in all actuality, they really could handle the additional golfers because of the way MMC® has designed our programs to be non-evasive even during peak seasons.

Although MMC®, in most cases, increases rounds by about 10,000 rounds per year, most golf clubs can accommodate those rounds because MMC® sets those rounds up during off-peak times and days. So it is not necessary to wait until your peak season is over to contact MMC®.

If your interest is in growing the game, your golf club and your golf career, the peak season is actually the best time to contact MMC® because during that time, golf is at the forefront of every golfer’s mind. So market your golf course, increase your rounds and capitalize on the numerous opportunities of your peak season.

For more free tips on growing the game, increasing rounds through golf course marketing, golf marketing, golf course campaigns, golf campaigns, professional golf membership sales and advancing your golf career visit us today @ or call 904-217-3762.


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