Golf Marketing And Golf Membership Sales Part 2

A lot of people say, “I don’t like sales,” “I don’t want to talk to somebody into something.” Well, if you are trying to sell someone something they don’t want or need, you are a con man, not a professional salesman. Professional salesmanship is truly helping someone find a way to get exactly what they want out of life. What you should do is help them figure out how to get exactly what they want. If it is one of your golf products or golf services or they want to be a member of your golf course, you need to be prepared on how to get them excited and have a positive emotional feeling associated to making a buying decision of purchasing a golf membership today. This can be done in numerous ways and there are several things that you need to learn to be able to do this.

For example, the first place to start is finding out exactly what the golfer wants. One of the things on our golf free download that we provide on our website ( is the “Tour Sheet.” One of the first questions is, “What exactly would you like to accomplish by coming to our golf facility?” The reason why you should ask this question is you want to know what it is that serves as the driving force of the guest. You want to know what they want to accomplish by coming to your golf course. Do they want to improve their game; are they looking to improve their social life, etc.? You want to make sure you are able to find out what their goal is so that you can make sure you have the exact golf product and/or golf service to offer them.

When you are in professional golf sales, your job is to find out the golfer’s wants and desires and find a way your golf products and golf services can meet and fulfill those wants and desires. You will be able to partner your business with their needs and desires if you will simply listen to them. They will tell you what they want and if you know your golf products and golf services well enough, you will be able to lock-up the relationship which is in essence, closing the sale.

Learn how to sell golf memberships professionally and you will grow your golf course, the game and your golf career.

For more free tips on growing the game, increasing rounds through golf course marketing, golf marketing, golf course campaigns, golf campaigns, professional golf membership sales and advancing your golf career visit us today @ or call 904-217-3762.


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