Golf Marketing Article Video Marketing

Video marketing has been around for a lot longer than most golf courses realize. This form of golf marketing has been done through sales videos and video presentations for many years. It is just beginning to be popular nowadays though, because of and other social media that allow you to upload videos on the internet. Video marketing is excellent for many reasons. A couple of those reasons are for example, the fact that you can put the presentation together by yourself which gives you the opportunity to personalize every detail on your video making it more appealing to the viewers. Thousands of golfers from around the world can watch your video. Videos are easy to share through internet via video sharing social media sites and golfers can also email it to one another or download it from the internet if they want to keep it in their files. Video golf marketing is definitely a great tool to establish your brand in the marketplace.

“Article video marketing” is simply putting together an article about the golf industry or some aspect of golf and then transforming it into a video. Article golf marketing videos help you entertain the golfers as opposed to just tapping into the audio portion where the golfers are just listening, now, they are more entertained through the customized animation you have in your video. This is an excellent way to get across some educational information to the golfers and it is also a way to improve your brand and become known as the “go to” golf course within your community for golf education and golf information.

Article golf marketing videos are normally 2-5 minutes long and you can upload it on your own website. You can have a new golf marketing article video up every week discussing a different aspect of the game of golf or the golf industry itself or just about anything that you can think golfers want to know about the game. Make a little one to three-minute golf marketing article video at least once a month just to keep entertaining the golfer and also to keep them coming back to your site.

At MMC®; we put together a lot of videos that give free information and education on golf marketing that create interest so people want to come back to our website ( which allows us to continue giving them invaluable information.

Start making some golf marketing article videos for your golf course and you will grow your golf course, the game and your golf career.

For more free tips on growing the game, increasing rounds through golf course marketing, golf marketing, golf course campaigns, golf campaigns, professional golf membership sales and advancing your golf career visit us today @ or call 904-217-3762.


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