Golf Marketing Mix

Golf marketing mix is the strategy professional golf marketers use to appeal to their target market which includes but is not limited to golf products, golf promotions, golf pricing and golf services.

In today’s economic climate, we really don’t have the luxury of saying we are only going to target one specific demographic. We can profile our preferred demographic that we want to target but we have to look at all the different angles and nuances that it takes to be able to capture our target market and create new golf products and golf services for new target markets.

All of the golfers that fall within your demographics are not going to respond to the same type of advertisement or golf marketing campaign. Some golfers are going to respond better to electronic advertising, social media, television, newspaper, direct mail, etc.

You must put together a golf marketing mix that is going to reach out and engage as many golfers within your geographic area that fits the golf course’s ideal member profile. It will probably require using multiple golf marketing vehicles to accomplish your long term goals so start learning how to maximize each and every possible golf marketing vehicle ASAP.

One of the areas marketers can look at as a golf marketing mix is different pricing structures for new golf packages and this doesn’t mean changing the current pricing or the current business model of the golf course. This means, look outside-the-box and be creative.

You must also be creative in how you present the pricing of your golf products and golf services. Be conscientious of which part of your demographic profile you are going to target with what specific golf products or specific golf services, etc.? You must always make every offer available to every golfer equally but you do not have to target everyone with your golf marketing campaigns.

You should also think about how you are going to target these golfers; are you going to use primarily direct mail, will it be brochures, articles, media publicity, electronic media, etc.? If you are smart, you’ll have at least a dozen golf marketing vehicles on deck ready to go.

What message are you going to send out? Think of what promotions you are going to use to get the golfer excited about your golf course. All of these entities are going to fall into your golf marketing mix.

Be creative with your golf marketing mix and you will grow your golf course, the game and your golf career.

For more free tips on growing the game, increasing rounds through golf course marketing, golf marketing, golf course campaigns, golf campaigns, professional golf membership sales and advancing your golf career visit us today @ or call 904-217-3762.


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