Golf Marketing Low-End Market

Low end golf marketing is not for everyone. If you run an exclusive country club or an upscale golf course, this type of golf marketing is probably not for you. But if you have a golf course that offers rounds from $40 and below, this is a market you may want to tap into. This is an area of the market where you can capitalize on because there are far more golfers who can afford a forty dollar round than a one hundred dollar round. You don’t have to give golf away but you can put together a package that is more affordable for some of the other golfers in your area.

You can accomplish this in several different ways with a little creative golf marketing. For example, you can use low-end golf marketing as a way to fill in your off-peak tee times like a lot of golf facilities do with companies like Groupon (although I prefer not to use discount third party vendors because it only diminishes your brand and gives you no chance to lock-up new relationships). You can also incorporate low-end golf marketing with your range, lessons, etc., to increase revenue in your profit centers. You can even set up different types of little packages like some golf courses do with annual passes or preferred player’s cards, etc. It’s up to you to find the times on your tee sheet where this golf marketing concept is applicable. Think outside-the-box to find the perfect fit in your business model to incorporate low-end golf marketing.

Most golf courses are already facilitating this form of golf marketing. They do it by having early bird and twilight golf packages. Note that this golf marketing concept is focusing on the golfers who either don’t have or are not willing to pay the rack rate fees. This is an excellent opportunity for you to increase rounds and raise revenue through your profit centers.

The key thing is to think outside-the-box. Don’t get stuck on your published rates. This is not discounting. This is simply taking your off-peak tee times and maximizing their earning potential. This is a great way to put together some packages that will draw in some new revenue for your golf course.

Look for opportunities to incorporate low-end golf marketing for your golf course and you will grow your golf course, the game and your golf career.

For more free tips on growing the game, increasing rounds through golf course marketing, golf marketing, golf course campaigns, golf campaigns, professional golf membership sales and advancing your golf career visit us today @ or call 904-217-3762.


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