Heavy Up Golf Marketing

“Heavy up” golf marketing is the perfect way to describe what most golf courses should be focusing on since golf seasons in most cases can be anywhere between six and nine months short/long. You want to make sure you are able to capitalize on the good weather. Most golf marketers fail to look at golf marketing this way. Normally, most golf professionals and general managers get ready when the golf season starts, when they should be prepared far before getting all geared up for the golf season. A lot of golf pros and general managers say, “I don’t have time for golf marketing right now and I will just wait until the end of the season.” But towards the end of the season, they start closing everything out getting ready for the off-season and at this time they will start wishing they had done the golf marketing in advance.

The way I look at marketing a golf course, it is important to heavy-up on your golf marketing efforts before your season starts and before your season is starting to die down. This means, upon entering your golf season, you should have a huge golf marketing campaign and as your golf season starts to close out, you should also have another huge golf marketing campaign ready to attract new golfers. This way, you are getting the golfers before the season who may have not pulled out their clubs yet and don’t know if they are going to golf that much this year and you also get the golfers who are putting up their clubs for the end of the golf season. Get those golfers to commit to a golf loyalty program and heavy-up on your golf marketing campaigns before it’s too late.

Have your golf marketing campaigns set up in advance. Make sure that you have this year’s golf marketing programs set up where you can go right into the season feeling comfortable and not worrying. Get out from hoping for the good weather and be prepared for the off-season. Don’t put yourself in a scenario where in the middle of your season, you will be saying, “Where are my golfers?” or “Where are my rounds?” etc. This is not the scenario you want to be in “again” this year.

Heavy-up on your golf marketing this year and you will grow your golf course, the game and your golf career.

For more free tips on growing the game, increasing rounds through golf course marketing, golf marketing, golf course campaigns, golf campaigns, professional golf membership sales and advancing your golf career visit us today @ www.golfmarketingmmc.com or call 904-217-3762.


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