Knowledge Based Golf Course Marketing

A knowledge base is information, instructions, or knowledge stored in some type of repository with answers to commonly asked questions about golf products and/or golf services prospective golf members may have.

Knowledge base is normally thought of when dealing with customer service online support where you can find the answers to your questions or when someone calls into club house and gets answers to their questions from a representative of the golf course.

I think of knowledge base as the information stored in our brain ready for retrieval in a second’s notice. When I am writing these blogs, I am pulling from my knowledge base, my repository, which is my brain.

All of the subjects that I blog about are truly knee-jerk responses to certain material that relates to golf marketing and professional golf membership sales. I say knee-jerk because it’s the first thing that comes to my mind when I hear a word, phrase, term, etc. That is the way I like to write my blog because if there is too much research put into it and it’s too prepared it doesn’t sound like its natural, it sounds too rehearsed and polished.

I want things to be delivered in a way that you will understand “this is truly how Chuck Thompson thinks”, this is what is in my head every day, this is the information that I share with you because this is information gathered from my 30+ years of experience in sports marketing and sports professional membership sales. There are those who do and those who teach, I am a doer, and not a teacher. I am just sharing my thoughts and ideas with you. I am not sitting down like a “writer” and researching material to write an article.

All of you who read my blogs need to build your own knowledge base and store it in your own repository, so that you can literally be able to give the answer in a split-second when asked a question about your golf course, golf memberships, golf products and golf services because this knowledge should be second nature to you.

One of the things I used to really insist on our sales people when I was in the day-to-day operations is our sales representatives had to be able to overcome the four basic objection on-the-fly. One of the games we used to play was when we would pass by each other or would walk up to the front counter, we would pose an objection without any warrant and say to the co-worker something like ” I need to think about it”, and whoever was behind the front counter had to be able to overcome the objection on the spot without hesitation. This, of course, got very silly at times but that’s what made it fun. The by-product of that silliness was everyone on my staff could easily and comfortably overcome objections.

Having your own knowledge base about every aspect of your golf course, golf memberships, and golf product and golf services will help you grow the game, your golf course and your golf career.

For more free tips on growing the game, increasing rounds through golf course marketing, golf marketing, golf course campaigns, golf campaigns, professional golf membership sales and advancing your golf career visit us today @ or call 904-217-3762.


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