Learning Log Golf Course Marketing

I have been keeping a learning log for about thirty (30) years. Every seminar I go to, I take extensive notes. Every book I read, I highlight paragraphs, sections and sentences that I need to retain and/or can apply to some part of my business.

Every CD I listen to, every movie I see, every lecture I attend, etc., I am constantly taking notes and reviewing the information. I am doing my best to digest the information and put it into an applicable format for my business.

Learning logs are enormously helpful throughout your career because you hear and you see so much information every day and it is impossible to retain all of it. I remember hearing one time in a seminar, you retain 20% of what you hear, 40% of what you hear and see and 80% of what you hear, see and write down. I have never forgotten this. So throughout my career, I constantly take good notes and now that the format has changed, e.g., tablets, it is even easier than ever. We no longer use those bulky day timers or legal pads. Nowadays, everything is done on a tablet which makes it is so much easier to store information.

Fortunately, because MMC® has a research center in Asia, we were able to take a lot of my notes from the past thirty years, condense them and put them into an electronic format. I am now creating e-books on different topics for MMC® and I am deciphering the information from every source by putting it into a usable format which will help owners and operators grow their golf courses.

If you want to grow intellectually, grow the game of golf, grow your golf course and grow your golf career, create your own learning log and start taking notes on everything you are exposed to. Even songs you listen to, movies you see, a friend you talk to, etc., are great potential sources for learning in any arena. The knowledge you have retained by using a learning log can and should be applied to your business.

Learn to incorporate a learning log into your daily activities and you will definitely grow your golf course, the game and your golf career.

For more free tips on growing the game, increasing rounds through golf course marketing, golf marketing, golf course campaigns, golf campaigns, professional golf membership sales and advancing your golf career visit us today @ www.golfmarketingmmc.com or call 904-217-3762.


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