May 1, 2014

Cutting Unnecessary Cost

Today, I will help you save thousands of dollars and eliminate your dependency on some outside vendors with long term contracts who control all of your data. I am sure you are aware of the absolute necessity it is to have a website; but websites are nowhere near as complicated to design and get hosted as they were in past years. In fact, you (most people with a high school student’s basic knowledge of computers) could build a beautiful website in a weekend.

Today the large hosting companies like, 1and 1(, Go Daddy (, Gator Hosting (, etc. include in their hosting packages a website design kit that is almost as easy as cut-and-paste. These tools are very simple to use and they have 24/7 tech support who actually love “talking” with their customers. Most complete packages range between 19-29 dollars per month, including…EVERYTHING.

I know the sales pitch, “we will design you a first class website, we will host it for you, we will provide you with SEO (search engine optimization) tools to get good rankings with the search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, and we will even provide you with an email package where we will store all of your emails and send out as many email offers as you would like; all of this, for only” 200-500 dollars per month. Now is a good time to remind you of my previous monthly tip on “the lifetime value of a golfer” because now we will refer to their customers and revenue as “the lifetime value of a single property”. Do the numbers…X x 12 months = _____ and _______ x 10 years = _____, get the picture?

Here it is, plain and simple:

  • You buy a package from one of the top 10 hosting companies for $19 per month.
  • You hire a high school kid to build the site with your     “vision and direction”.
  • Included will be tips on search engine optimization (SEO) e.g., keywords, domain name tips, etc.
  • Go to ( and sign up for their free email service (up to 2,000 unlimited use free emails) including email and newsletter templates (did I say it is absolutely FREE?).
  • Now you have complete control of your business data and it only cost you at most thirty dollars ($30) a month.

It is much easier to hire people who are trained in this field if you have expendable revenue but if you don’t or don’t even have a website at all, I want you to know you can have a very professional looking website without all of the overhead.  Websites and email marketing are absolute musts but don’t think you have to give up control and/or break the bank to get the job done.

Thank you for partnering with MMC® in growing the game, your golf course and your golf career.


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