Mind-share Golf Course Marketing

“Mind-share” as defined by Wikipedia.org, is the development of consumer awareness or popularity and is one of the main objectives of advertising and promotion. When people think of examples of a product type or category, they usually think of a limited number of brand names. The aim of mind share is to establish a brand as being one of the best kinds of a given product or service, and to even have the brand name become a synonym for the product or service offered.

Mind-share is a concept that is frequently lost when golf course general managers, golf course owners or golf professionals are looking at their advertising budget for the year. They are always thinking about immediate return on investment (ROI) but they don’t understand intangible assets, e.g., mindshare and how they are directly related to growth in the community. It is as equally important to keep your brand in the golfer’s mind as it is to procure new business/golfers today. The business is going to come, maybe not today but tomorrow and in the future because of the brand (mind-share) you have created within your market.

Mind-share is just like a farmer planting seeds in hopes of reaping the rewards during harvest season; apply these same principles when it comes to golf marketing. Golf marketing is planting various seeds in the market; some of those seeds can be harvested today, some tomorrow and some next year. You must create your brand and the way to do this is through golf marketing and advertising campaigns.

Golf marketers need to think about the long term residual dividends that will be paid over from the golf course’s marketing and advertising endeavor. This is done through mind-share, making sure that every golfer in your community thinks of you at least within the top two or three golf properties within your golf market when they think of golf.

Incorporate mind-share campaigns into your golf marketing and you will grow your golf course, the game and your golf career.

For more free tips on growing the game, increasing rounds through golf course marketing, golf marketing, golf course campaigns, golf campaigns, professional golf membership sales and advancing your golf career visit us today @ www.golfmarketingmmc.com or call 904-217-3762.


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