Permission-based Golf Marketing

Permission golf marketing is becoming more and more popular because it eliminates marketers from hassling consumers at home, through their emails, telemarketing, text messaging, etc. It gives golfers more control over the marketers who are trying to engage them and procure our business.

Permission golf marketing is most commonly known in email golf marketing. This is why when list companies tell you they are going to sell you a golf email list, you should stay away from them because you are not supposed to buy golf mass email lists to market your golf course. When marketers say they can provide you golf email list that should be an enormous red flag and remind yourself that these marketers don’t know what they are doing. Email marketing is a permission-based golf marketing campaign. You can go and get new (prospective players/golf course members) golfers’ names and addresses one by one and send them an informational email as long as they have an option to opt out off of your golf email list.

In some cases, MMC® has run into clients that say all they want is to buy a golf email list and we let them know immediately that we don’t sell golf email list nor do we buy golf email list. The reason is because no matter how much you pay for a golf email list, it is not considered ethical in Email marketing. You want to make sure when you are dealing with permission-based golf marketing campaigns; you have acquired the recipients’ permission to send them an email through a legitimate source.

This is another challenge that I have with SMS messaging because it is a permission-based golf marketing that requires initial marketing campaigns to get the golfer’s permission and capture their pertinent information before launching the SMS golf marketing campaign.

The bright side of permission-based golf marketing is that you have made inroads in building a relationship with the golfer and now he/she moves into the warm prospect category.

Incorporate permission-based campaigns into your golf marketing and you will grow your golf course, the game and your golf career.

For more free tips on growing the game, increasing rounds through golf course marketing, golf marketing, golf course campaigns, golf campaigns, professional golf membership sales and advancing your golf career visit us today @ or call 904-217-3762.


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