Need Identification Golf Course Marketing

Need identification is simply identifying the need of the golfer. Discovering the emotional and logical needs is the single most important aspect of selling any golf product and/or golf service. It is universally understood that if the membership director does not uncover the real need or problem i.e., identify; they cannot offer a plausible solution and lock-up the relationship. Needs and problems are exposed through effective questioning and active listening.

As I have said numerous times, uncovering the emotional needs of the golfer, then finding a way to satisfy the emotional needs of the golfer and then giving the golfer logical reasons to join the golf course is paramount when it comes to locking-up relationships. Need identification is going to help you solidify why your golf course is the obvious choice for the prospective golf member.

All golfers who come into your golf course are looking to satisfy some of their emotional and/or logical needs. For example, they might want to take up the game of golf to fit in with their colleagues, play a round with their boss, etc. These needs would be classified as logical (career) needs the golfer is looking to satisfy by joining your golf course.

Whereas, some golfers may come to the golf course solely to satisfy their emotional needs. They want to satisfy their need to belong, their need to feel significant, their need to have connection, etc. These are emotional needs that need to be satisfied as well.

Learn to identify the emotional and logical needs of your golfers and you will grow your golf course, the game and your golf career.

For more free tips on growing the game, increasing rounds through golf course marketing, golf marketing, golf course campaigns, golf campaigns, professional golf membership sales and advancing your golf career visit us today @ or call 904-217-3762.


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