November 1, 2013

Data-Driven Golf Marketing

Data-driven golf marketing is exactly what it says. Data has replaced most of all other methods to market your golf club. Golf marketing in today’s business environment requires reliable data and analytics. There is so much information out there to enhance and drive your golf marketing into the next two or three years.

All of your golf marketing efforts should be driven by data. You can go online today and find out lots of valuable information about your target market, i.e., psychographics, demographics, geographical information, and so on. This data is absolutely free to those who have the time, energy and knowledge to dig through this information and utilize its content to increase their ROI and minimize their investment.

One of the numerous benefits of partnering with MMC® to acquire new members is, we are a performance-based, data-driven golfer acquisition marketing company that has an enormous wealth of data relating to acquiring golfers. MMC® has built a research and development department with over thirty (30) people whose sole responsibility is to gather data and analyze it for each and every golf course we partner with.

This data is invaluable to the success of our golf marketing campaigns. To give you an example, a golf marketing campaign launched without doing the demographic analysis, the market analysis, the competitive overview, the psychographics etc., acquires between 200 and 300 golfers. A golf marketing campaign launched driven by data acquires 800 to 1,200 golfers. That is more than five or six times more successful than the golf marketing campaign based solely on “instinct” or “experience”.

Golf marketing in today’s society is futile without data. Simply knowing golfer’s age, education level, income, etc., is absolutely elementary compared to knowing your golfers buying habits, spending patterns, etc.

Data-driven golf marketing is an absolute necessity in growing your golf club, the game and your golf career.

MMC®, is a performance-based, data-driven golf marketing company that hits ‘em straight.

Thank you for partnering with MMC® in growing the game, your golf course and your golf career.


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