October 1, 2013

Disruptive Innovation

The definition of a “disruptive innovation” in the golf industry is an innovation that helps create a new market for golf clubs with a value network not only for the golf club but for the golfer as well, and eventually goes on to disrupt an existing golf market and value network (over a few years or decades), displacing an earlier ideology and/or paradigm. Disruptive innovation is a term used to describe innovations that improve a golf product or golf service in ways that the market does not expect, typically first by designing a golf product and/or golf service for a different set of consumers in a new market and later by making golf more affordable to the existing market.

“Affordable Golf does not mean discounting golf!” Affordable golf is taking your existing rates and presenting them in a more desirable light. Golfer’s perception is their reality, and if they perceive the value of your golf property less than you are asking for membership and/or green fees, then you will always struggle when it comes to acquiring new golfers. But, you can re-build the golfer’s perceived value of your golf club and charge as much as you feel is a fair price for the value your course delivers if you have the courage to step out of your comfort zone and re-think your business model.

The key component to “disruptive innovation” is to create a “new” golf product and/or golf service for a “new” market. This is exactly what MMC® does and has been developing and refining since 1989. We custom design, no-risk/self-funding golf marketing campaigns to acquire “new” golfers (not recycle existing golfers) by innovating golf products and/or golf services for a “new” market. Why is it referred to as “disruptive innovation”, because anything that disrupts the old “business as usual” is always looked at as disruptive. But sometimes “disruption” is exactly what a golf club needs, especially when you are hemorrhaging rounds and revenue.

If you are sick of losing rounds and revenue, then maybe you need to think outside the box and shake some things up at your golf club. If you have been doing the same things over and over expecting a different result…maybe it’s time for some disruptive innovation.

MMC®, is a performance-based, data-driven golf marketing company that hits ‘em straight.

Thank you for partnering with MMC® in growing the game, your golf course and your golf career.


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