November 1, 2014

Lack of Innovation Begets Stagnation

Golf on the decline is no “news story”. In fact, it’s barely making the news at all. The only people that care are golfers and golf businessmen/women. You read about the loss of rounds and revenue on golf forums and blogs. You hear about off-the-wall ways to change the game to get more people interested in the game but it’s not really “the game” anymore if you change the game. There are new gadgets being introduced in hopes of attracting the younger generations by incorporating technology but in some ways even technology takes away from the game.

The industry went stagnant in the new millennium and in the past couple of years the industry has been in a nose dive. But then again, you already know this. Without innovation, stagnation is inevitable. The golf industry was warned; it better makes some changes and makes them fast but only a handful of people heeded the signs. I personally saw the signs and started developing innovative ways to save the industry. I know that statement sounds extremely boastful but it is not meant to be. The industry has lost several thousand golfers in the past few years and MMC® has brought in 70,000 golfers with our innovative golf marketing strategies.

We haven’t tried to re-invent the game, but instead redistributed the revenue stream. The old golf course business model just doesn’t work anymore. It’s not the game, it’s the business model. Pricing structures and marketing approaches are both outdated. Owners need to re-think their business models and embrace guerilla golf marketing (attack golf marketing). We need to make being a member of the golf course cool again.

MMC® is golf marketing on steroids. When we market your golf course; rounds and revenue recover fast andthe strength of your brand gets stronger.

Thank you for partnering with MMC® today in growing the game, your golf course and your golf career.


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