October 1, 2014

Momentum Is Mass x Velocity

When it comes to successful golf marketing both size and speed matter. One of the hundreds of intricate details in keeping the momentum of a campaign going when launching, managing and bringing it to a successful close is the size and speed of the campaign. The momentum is created by the mass of material e.g., media, signage, word-of-mouth, press and the speed in which you are able to launch and then close-out the campaign.

This is one of the numerous reasons MMC®’s no-risk/self-funding promotions/campaigns https://www.golfmarketingmmc.com/golf-course-marketing-cash-promotion-video/ are designed around the program being launched and completed within ninety (90) days. One of the biggest challenges is to convince our clients how important momentum is when it comes to the bottom-line of the campaign. Some of our clients have experienced up to 30% of their total gross revenue being raised during the final ten (10) days of their promotions.

It is MMC®’s goal to get the most bang-for-the-buck and you can only achieve that by maximizing all resources and doing it at God’s speed. In order to accomplish this feat you must have done this type of guerilla marketing for years and have a solid tracking and navigational system in place to avoid any pitfalls and inevitable challenges that will arise.

Be leery of those who say “I can do that; it’s just this and this.” If they really knew what they were doing, and it was really that easy, they would have done it already. Don’t let a nickel get in the way of a dollar. Pay the 20% to the company that invented the system because only they have worked with over 150 golf properties with a 99% success track record. Besides, eighty (80) percent of $250,000 with no downside is a lot better than one hundred percent (100%) of $20,000 and a daily up-hill battle with a guide that has never climbed a mountain in his/her life.

Bottom line, get as much marketing materials out into your target area as possible to deliver your message and get it out as fast as you can and keeps the momentum going.

Thank you for partnering with MMC® today in growing the game, your golf course and your golf career.


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