October 1, 2015

Golf Marketing Staying Consistent

Staying consistent with your golf marketing is an absolute must. In the past, I have written blogs and monthly tips on the unmatched value marketing your golf course during the lean years can bring. When money gets tight, most courses start by cutting the marketing budget. As I have said many times in the past… “You can’t CUT your way to financial freedom”. Staying consistent with your golf marketing efforts will put you in the forefront when the economic climate gets better. The more you get your golf course’s name in front of golfers the easier it will be to lock-up those relationships.

Our business depends on us recruiting new golfers and new golf members. Our industry is suffering from too much inventory, a loss of interest and the inevitable deaths of our most loyal customers i.e., the Hero generation. Baby-boomers are taking up a little of the slack but the millennial are far more difficult to recruit.

Stopping or holding off on your golf marketing during your off-season will only worsen the situation. You and your golf course’s success are dependent on growth not attrition. A lot of golf courses are now going into their off-season. If they chose to throw up their hands and say, “oh well, maybe next year” soon there won’t be any “next years”. You can’t expect casual and non-golfers to remember you next year if you haven’t given them any reason to.

Loss of rounds and revenue is not acceptable and in no way is it “just the way it is”. MMC® has acquired more than 200,000 golfers for golf courses since 2006 with absolutely no downside. Our golf marketing programs are self-propelling which means you are never asked to go into your pocket to fund them. If our golf marketing campaigns are not successfully growing your rounds and revenue, you won’t pay us a dime. When we say we are a performance-based golf marketing company…we mean it.

There is absolutely no reason you should have to “survive” another season. Our clients not only receive a huge influx of cash but revel in the long term success that comes with  daily revenue from all of their profit centers e.g., cart fees, F&B, merchandise, range, outings, functions, lessons, clinics. Let MMC® help you “thrive” today!

Call us today; you have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Thank you for partnering with MMC® today in growing the game, your golf course and your golf career.


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