Buying Signals Come Natural Through Golf Course Marketing

A buying signal is a change in behavior and/or demeanor from a golfer which indicates that he/she is considering (to whatever extent) buying your golf product or golf service. The most common buying signals are questions: “How much is it?”, “What are your hours of operation?”, “As a member, may I bring guests?”, “How hard is it to get a morning tee time on Saturday?”, “Is there an enrolment fee?” “Do you play a round with new golf members?” and surprisingly sometimes statements like “it’s too expensive” can also be buying signals.

Buying signals can also come in the form of physical signs as well. For example, when a golfer is giving you a buying signal, his/her eyes open a little wider and his/her pupils are slightly dilated. The golfer is smiling a little more often in the presentation. He/she is leaning forward. He/she will really be attentive and interested in what you have to say and he/she will ask questions.

These signals will definitely let you know the golfer has an interest in your golf product and/or service when they ask questions. You will know when somebody is not interested at all in your golf product and/or golf service when they have absolutely no questions; but when they start to ask questions, it shows they are thinking about the possibility of owning your golf product and/or your golf service.

So when you are speaking with golfers, make sure you are paying attention to their posture, to the way they are carrying themselves. You already know the verbal indication is when the golfer starts to ask questions whereas, the unfolding (openness) of their arms, their smile, their attentiveness, etc., are the physical indications that they have an interest in your golf product and/or service.

When you get into the psychology of selling, you will learn that there are numerous ways to read buying signals when a golfer is on the verge of saying yes to your golf product and/or golf service. Learn how to read buying signals and convert those signals into buying decisions and you will grow your golf course, the game and your golf career.

For more free tips on growing the game, increasing rounds through golf course marketing, golf marketing, golf course campaigns, golf campaigns, professional golf membership sales and advancing your golf career visit us today @ or call 904-217-3762.


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