Call to Action Golf Marketing

“Call to action” is a phrase that became popular within the Internet marketing industry. But before the Internet marketing became known, there has always been a place for incorporating “call to action” words, taglines, statements, etc., in all other mediums of advertising. Golf marketers always want a “call to action” statement in their golf marketing to prompt the golfers to take immediate action, whether it’s to pick up the phone or send a text message or anything that would prompt the golfer to take immediate action to initiate the process of purchasing a golf product and/or golf service.

Putting in a “call to action” statement in your golf marketing campaigns is important and should be done in all golf marketing media and not just on the Internet. The Internet made the phrase popular but “call to action” has been around in golf marketing for a long, long time. The only aspect that varies with the other forms of media is the application; because with the Internet, you simply have buttons or links that you can get your golfers to click on. With the Internet, it is easy to be able to click and see how well your “call to action” golf marketing campaign is working. Because you are able to get analytics from your website that shows you how many visitors viewed your website, how long your visitors stayed on your website, what page of your website is getting the most number of clicks, etc.

The Internet makes it a lot easier to track how well your golf marketing “call to action” format is performing in the marketplace as opposed to other forms of marketing. But if you are facilitating permission-based golf marketing, e.g., email golf marketing campaigns, your Internet golf marketing efforts will be far less effective (because these are prospects you have hammered in the past with advertisements) as compared to other golf marketing media like radio, television, newspaper, etc., and the strongest being direct mail.

Incorporate “call to action” statements, words, taglines, etc. into your golf marketing and you will grow your golf course, the game and your golf career.

For more free tips on growing the game, increasing rounds through golf course marketing, golf marketing, golf course campaigns, golf campaigns, professional golf membership sales and advancing your golf career visit us today @ or call 904-217-3762.


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