Golf Marketing Cost Per Inquiry

When it comes to golf marketing everyone must know how much it costs per inquiry. This is a scale that golf courses use to find out how much they are paying to get the phones to ring. It is used primarily in direct golf marketing but it should become standard knowledge for all golf marketers.

It is extremely important to know how much you are spending to get the phone to ring; when you know that, you will be more diligent when it comes to customer service, answering the phones, getting the golfer’s information and making sure you are building a list and keeping good records of every golfer, guest, inquiry and member.

On our website ( you will see a free download ( that will teach you how to properly answer the phone and get the golfer off the phone and get them into the golf course. At the same time you will be gathering the golfer’s pertinent information. By knowing the cost per inquiry you will put a monetary value on every phone call or every golfer who visits the golf course.

When golf courses think of sales they often overlook that there is so much capital invested into getting the golfer to call the golf course and/or come into the golf course.

Everything must be taken into consideration; the time of the personnel, the golf marketing campaign, the cost of designing the campaign, the cost of the implementation of the campaign, cost of the delivery of the campaign, etc. All of these components have a monetary value and this is why it is imperative that you know the cost per inquiry.

Know how much it costs you to get the phone to ring and you will grow your golf course, the game and your golf career.

For more free tips on growing the game, increasing rounds through golf course marketing, golf marketing, golf course campaigns, golf campaigns, professional golf membership sales and advancing your golf career visit us today @ or call 904-217-3762.


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