Cognitive Dissonance Golf Course Marketing

According to, cognitive dissonance is a state of psychological tension arising from incompatibility among a person’s attitudes, behaviour, beliefs, and/or knowledge, or when a choice has to be made between equally attractive or repulsive alternatives.

One example is ‘buyer’s remorse,’ a feeling of guilt associated with doubts about the advisability of a purchase decision that one experiences after making an expensive purchase. Marketers try to manage these doubts with supportive information such as testimonials, money-back guarantees and after-sales service.

Buyer’s remorse is a serious issue that must be prevented at all costs. Avoiding golfers from having buyer’s remorse or at least doing your best to prevent them from having buyer’s remorse is a technique that can be learned through professional golf membership sales.

Golfers join golf clubs because they love the game of golf and the amenities are the icing on the cake. The psychological and emotional feelings they have associated to your golf club are the reasons that motivate them to join and commit their loyalty to your golf club.

But golfers must be able to justify their emotional purchases with logical reasons. In the definition above, they mentioned in some cases, there is a money back guarantee put in place to avoid buyer’s remorse.

All states have a “three-day buyer’s remorse clause” for most of their agreement. But if you are closing your membership sale based on that, you are using what golf professional sales people term as a “chicken close”.

A chicken close is when you tell a golfer to get started today because he/she has three days to think about it and he/she can cancel the agreement any time in those three days.

By doing this, you have not sold the golfer on committing their loyalty to your club. By using a “three-day buyer’s remorse” close in your presentation, you are basically using a chicken close just to get to the paperwork.

Professional golf membership sales take place when the golf membership director has transferred his or her enthusiasm about the golf club to the golfer and gets him/her enthusiastic about being a member of their golf club.

You must get the golfer emotionally involved with the golf club and satisfy their six basic emotional needs. After you engage the golfer emotionally and you get them 100% committed to joining your golf course, you will then give the logical reasons for why they should join the club. By doing so, when they go home to speak with their spouse or their family, they have the logical reasons to justify why they joined your golf course today.

For more free tips on growing the game, increasing rounds through golf course marketing, golf marketing, golf course campaigns, golf campaigns, professional golf membership sales and advancing your golf career visit us today @ or call 904-217-3762.


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