Double-Loop Golf Marketing

“Double-loop marketing” as defined by Wikipedia is based upon the notion that in today’s information-rich world, marketing must be a necessity to people and people must be knowledge-driven rather than product driven. A company must first develop “mind share” by building a site that offers genuinely-useful information and advice to consumers. This is the first loop of the firm’s interaction with customers. Only after such a site achieves credibility among its community of readers can the company, in the second loop of customer interaction, try to convert that “mind share” into “wallet share”; in other words, community first, and then commerce.

Double loop marketing is the same thing as information marketing, you want to educate your consumer and let them know you are the expert within that given industry, e.g., golf lessons, golf course, golf marketing. You have to do this by providing the golfer free information and education. You just can’t say it or claim it, you have to prove it. They want to see that you have the goods and you can deliver exactly what they are looking for.  They want to see that they are going to get the value before entering into a relationship with you.

It is extremely important to start this type of golf marketing immediately as golf professional. You can start this, as I have said many times, by offering free 15-minute lessons or by starting your own blog. Put information on your golf course’s website that will give education. Don’t always try to be selling; you have to educate the golfer first. Give the golfer valuable information first. Show the golfer that you are really concerned about him/her first and about yourself second.

The Internet is the greatest tool in the world, but remember, people go to the Internet to get information and education before they buy golf products and/or golf services. They do not rush to their computer to buy the golf product and/or golf service, they rush to their computer to research the golf product and/or golf service and the golf course that sells that golf product and/or golf service, they then base their buying decision on the product and company where they feel most comfortable.

The first loop in golf marketing is educating the golfer and the second loop in golf marketing is locking-up the relationship.

Master double-looped golf marketing and you will grow your golf course, the game and your golf career.

For more free tips on growing the game, increasing rounds through golf course marketing, golf marketing, golf course campaigns, golf campaigns, professional golf membership sales and advancing your golf career visit us today @ or call 904-217-3762.


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