Golf Course Marketing Ad Placement

Today I want to talk about ad placement. I have been placing print ads for 30 plus years and I have heard every theory on where and why you should possibly place the ads. There are some people who prefer to place their ads on the left-hand side of the left page, some prefer to put them on the upper or lower right hand corner of the left page, some prefer to place them on the right top corner of the right page, etc. and they all have their own reasons for why they feel that specific spot is the best for their ad placement. This also depends on what you are marketing and advertising. In our case, because we are in the sports (golf) business, we always question what section to put them in as well, e.g., the sports section, leisure, etc. of any newspaper or magazine.

Everyone has their own logical and emotional reasons as to where they place their ads. Today, I’m going to share with you the reason why I prefer to place my ads on the top right hand corner of the right page of any magazine or newspaper. The reason is, when people are reading the newspaper, this is the spot their eyes naturally fall as they flip the page. I know some people might say it’s wrong and it is the bottom right-hand corner. But they don’t realize most people are not looking for the page number when they first get the newspaper. Most flip through it at first to see what headline catches their attention. Some people have a system where they start reading a certain section (e.g., sports) first and rarely start from the beginning and some people will directly flip the paper and look for their favourite section or column.

There are different schools of thought on this, but my preference is definitely the top right hand corner of the right page of the paper. I know a lot of people are thinking that very few people read the paper nowadays anyway and a lot of golfers get the news from the Internet. But I’m still a fan of placing ads in the newspaper and making sure the ad is placed on their website or in their electronic newspaper as well.

Whichever way you go, considering your ad placement and the smallest details of your ads will help you grow your golf course, the game, and your golf career.

For more free tips on growing the game, increasing rounds through golf course marketing, golf marketing, golf course campaigns, golf campaigns, professional golf membership sales and advancing your golf career visit us today @ or call 904-217-3762.


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