Golf Course Marketing Capacity Building/Development

I love the word capacity, especially when it refers to golf course marketing and golf course professional membership sales. Everyone should strive to operate and function at their maximum capacity. Although, there is no way we could ever possibly do this.

I remember hearing once that we are imperfect people striving for perfection. We can never be perfect but we can strive to operate at our maximum capacity. We should strive to run our golf courses at maximum capacity as well, but this does not mean we should ever consider overcrowding the course and slowing down play. This means growing the golf course and having it operate comfortably at its capacity.

We want to design our golf marketing campaigns to ensure our golf course is performing at its capacity. We can easily do this by learning how to market the non-prime tee times and the non-prime seasons. You should learn how to acquire new golfers and condition them to play golf during the slow times and in the slow seasons.

Almost every golf course out there doesn’t have lots of space when it comes to Saturday and Sunday morning tee times but later in the day, they are wide-open. Anybody can fill those weekend morning times because those premium tee times are, in essence, “low hanging fruit”. But the real challenge is to sell those Monday afternoon tee times. Once you have learned how to sell those tee times, then you can get your golf course to consistently over perform as opposed to consistently underperforming.

A lot of golf courses are concerned with overcrowding. Saturday and Sunday mornings are the only plausible times to be concern of overcrowding for most golf courses. You have to learn how to acquire new golfers for your slow times and slow seasons, which in turn will help you become more efficient in operating your golf course at capacity. When you learn this, you will be growing your golf course, the game and your golf career.

For more free tips on growing the game, increasing rounds through golf course marketing, golf marketing, golf course campaigns, golf campaigns, professional golf membership sales and advancing your golf career visit us today @ or call 904-217-3762.


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