Golf Course Marketing Hierarchy-of-Effects Theory

When it comes to golf marketing, the hierarchy of effects theory is basically stacking the “wow factor” of your golf course. What you want to do is keep stacking reasons for the golfer to make a buying decision today at your golf course.

You can do this by getting the golfer to say yes at least 10 times before you go into the sales presentation. This, again, is just simply stacking the “wow factor” of your golf course. You have to get the golfer to feel comfortable slowly and move them along through the sales process by getting them to answer questions in the affirmative. For example, nodding your head while asking the golfer a “yes” question will get him/her to agree with you and mirror you by shaking their head in the affirmative as well.

In the golf industry, this technique (hierarchy-of-effects) should be employed through your golf marketing, then the interview, then the tour and even in the closing part of the sale. At MMC®’s website (, we offer a free download ( which will guide you through the process of a proper interview with the golfer.

During the interview you will be asking questions like, “Have you been thinking about joining a golf course for some time?” You should be focused and write down everything the golfer has to say and really get him/her to open up and share his/her feelings with you.

Find out what it is that’s motivating the golfer to come into your golf course. When you do this, you are going to learn how to stack the “wow factor” so it guides you through the sales presentation.

Start off with the little things that excite the golfer and then build up to where they want to buy the golf product or golf membership from you right now; at this point it is “order taking” and not sales. Make them so excited that they are going to want the golf membership you are offering so bad that it doesn’t matter how much it will cost them. That’s stacking the “wow factor” or the hierarchy-of-effects.

Learn how to use the hierarchy-of-effects in your golf marketing and you will grow your golf course, the game and your golf career.

For more free tips on growing the game, increasing rounds through golf course marketing, golf marketing, golf course campaigns, golf campaigns, professional golf membership sales and advancing your golf career visit us today @ or call 904-217-3762.


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