Golf Marketing Brand Development Index

Brand Development Index or (BDI) as defined by, quantifies how well a brand is performing within a specific group of customers, compared with its average performance among all customers.

BDI is defined by the American Marketing Association as a “measure of the extent to which the sales of products in a market category have captured the total potential in a geographical area, based on the population of that area and the average consumption per user nationally. The brand development index is usually calculated for separate metropolitan areas, and is used to determine high-potential (underdeveloped) areas for new product entries or for primary demand promotions.”

It is very important for golf marketers to try to capture their target market but a lot of golf facilities fall into what has been set as a standard in the golf industry. Most golf course marketers define their market as consumers with X income, of X age, i.e., their demographics, because most golf professionals and golf organizations have told them so, so they believe this to be true. This is not what you should be focusing on; you should be focused on how you can engage golfers from all age groups and all economic levels and get them to visit your golf course provided they fit your member profile.

Most golf facilities fail to conduct their own independent research whatsoever; they rely solely on general research provided by the golf industry failing to understand the importance of developing their own unique business model for the golfers residing in their geographic area. You should not follow the set standard because every golf facility is not the same and every community is not the same either. There are always going to be variables that you must take into consideration.

The key is to find out how well your brand is being perceived and received in your golf market within your demographic group. By doing your own research, you will also find out what areas of your demographics you can improve and where you can expand your target market by improving or tweaking your existing golf product and/or golf service.

Come up with your own brand development index to maximize your golf marketing endeavors and you will grow your golf course, the game and your golf career.

For more free tips on growing the game, increasing rounds through golf course marketing, golf marketing, golf course campaigns, golf campaigns, professional golf membership sales and advancing your golf career visit us today @ or call 904-217-3762.


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