Golf Course Marketing: Intellectual Property

Intellectual property as defined by is the abstract forms of “property” such as patents, copyrights, and trademarks, as distinct from the concrete form of real property.

Intellectual properties are non-tangible properties, i.e., property you can’t hold or touch. A lot of companies are afraid intellectual property is an asset easily stolen.

MMC® is built on intellectual property. We have our sales systems and marketing systems we have designed which are some of the strongest assets of the company.

One of the things that a lot of companies fail to understand about their intellectual property is, they thought of it and it is not that easy for somebody to steal from them.

Truly, intellectual property means it’s just not one thing, there’s a lot of thoughts, ideas, research, data, experience, etc. that goes behind your systems.

MMC® recently launched a renewal campaign for a golf property that was struggling to get 40% of their members to renew from a previous player acquisition campaign administered by MMC®. They had tried everything they could think of for three months on their own but were unsuccessful. Then they called MMC®. They even procrastinate another few more weeks just so they could get one or two more members to renew before they had to pay our success fee.

This is a golf club that had done a promotion with us in the past and we gave them a lot of material and education. But I think people don’t understand that they learn one tenth of one percent of what we do when it comes to running a golf marketing campaign to acquire new golfers. So, in short, we were able to end our first week selling 91 memberships as compared to their almost four months to renew 300.

We will always be more successful because we always have the intellectual property and new creative ideas available to take our basic programs and put twists on them to fit the current situation. We are able to improve it and keep making it stronger.

When it comes to intellectual property, you know some of it has to be safeguarded but if the people get a hold of it, understand they only know one tenth of one percent of what you know. Most of the time they only have enough of your intellectual property to harm themselves and the company who employs them.  If you truly created the product, there is no way anybody can successfully copy it. Your ideas and your knowledge can never be completely stolen by anyone. They can take pieces of it and try but will ultimately fail miserably. They can never have the success you can because all they know is what you have shared with them or what they have stolen.

So forget trying to avoid sharing your intellectual property and concentrate on creating more, new valuable intellectual property.

For more free tips on growing the game, increasing rounds through golf course marketing, golf marketing, golf course campaigns, golf campaigns, professional golf membership sales and advancing your golf career visit us today @ or call 904-217-3762.


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