Golf Course Marketing Mystery Shopper

Today I want to discuss the term mystery shopper. A mystery shopper is someone who is shopping the competitor or other businesses and his/her goal is to get as much information about the competitor or business as they possibly can in order to use it for their golf marketing or professional golf membership sales. The reason why I chose to talk about this today is because I recently heard a prospective client address one of MMC®’s staff who played the role as a mystery shopper.

One of the things MMC® does even before we choose to work with a golf course is we send out mystery shoppers to the golf course. When MMC® partners with a client, we have the biggest financial investment in the beginning. And because we need to be able to protect our investment in this relationship, one of the things we do before we even sign an agreement partnering with a client is we conduct a mini demographic survey, market analysis, competitive overview, etc.

Part of our competitive overview is we have mystery shoppers shop and find out what the competitor’s pricing structure is, what they offer and all the information we can possibly get and we compile this information so we know partnering with X golf course is going to be a good investment.

In this scenario I discussed earlier, one of our staff was shopping courses and it just happen the owner was the one who answered the phone and recognized the voice of one of our staff. He called me and asked me why we are having people call them to shop their golf course. I explained to him we are a performance-based golf marketing company that strongly believes “information is the key to success” so we get as much information as we possibly can.

I am not only facilitating mystery shopping for the golf course’s competitors, but the property we are partnering with as well. We need to know where we need to focus our training to ensure the success of our golfer acquisition program and the only way we can do this is by going undercover to get the most accurate information.

Needless to say, the golf course owner was extremely impressed at the amount of time and money we invested into his property before we even sign up to partner with them in growing their golf course. If you learn to capitalize on mystery shopping, you will be able to grow your golf course, the game and your golf career.

For more free tips on growing the game, increasing rounds through golf course marketing, golf marketing, golf course campaigns, golf campaigns, professional golf membership sales and advancing your golf career visit us today @ or call 904-217-3762.


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