Golf Course Marketing Sleeping Beauty

When you think of the term “sleeping beauty”, you are usually thinking of some type of corporate venture, takeover (hostile or friendly), but what most golf course owners don’t understand is there are a lot of businessmen and women out their looking at your golf course as a sleeping beauty just ripe for takeover. I am always thinking outside of the box so I look at every angle when it comes to the golf business and I know I am not alone. Businesspeople are looking for companies that are under-performing and have the potential to bring an enormous return on their investment. A lot of golf courses fall into this category.

Most golf properties I have visited are under-performing. What I mean by this is most golf courses have undiscovered revenue, for what I term as “lost leader (revenue)” that is just waiting to be harvested. I would venture to say, 80% of the golf properties that I have visited have enormous potential of growing their golf course by leaps and bounds but for some reason, they lack the motivation or courage to explore the possibilities and options available to them to maximize their resources.

What golf course owners fail to understand is there are businesspeople out there looking at their property as a sleeping beauty just waiting for the perfect (course’s weakest) time to make their move. Most golf facilities think of businesspeople wanting to buy them out as an investment or to turn the golf course into a real estate development. But that’s not always the case; sleeping beauties can be the business itself, not necessarily only the real estate.

When a golf property is under-performing and has the potential of bringing in enormous returns, somebody out there is going to know that, but they are going to buy it as an investment which means, they will wait until the golf course is run into the ground financially and looks worthless on paper. What they will do then is, scoop it up for pennies on the dollar and turn it into the revenue producing business it should have always been.

Think of your golf course as a sleeping beauty and wake up its hidden revenue potential and you will learn how to grow your golf course, the game and your golf career.

For more free tips on growing the game, increasing rounds through golf course marketing, golf marketing, golf course campaigns, golf campaigns, professional golf membership sales and advancing your golf career visit us today @ or call 904-217-3762.


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