Golf Marketing Coupons

If you are in charge of a golf course, you are more than likely somewhat in charge of your golf marketing and growing your golf course. You need to be able to look at every aspect of golf marketing and use every means possible when it comes to growing your golf course.

One of the mediums of media that people usually overlook is the medium of coupons. A lot of golf properties don’t like to use coupons because they think it cheapens their golf course or devalues their brand. This is not the case at all if done properly. The key thing when using coupons is to make sure you are really not discounting your golf products and golf services.

Everything in life is perception (because people’s perception is their reality). Your brand (image) requires that you get the golfer to perceive the value of the discount they are getting as an enormous deal and at the same time making sure that you are not tarnishing your brand in the marketplace.

This is a delicate balancing act but it can be accomplished easily with the proper golf marketing campaign. Look at your golf marketing programs and review what you have to offer; your profit centers, your golf memberships, your green fees, your range and all the different possible revenue sources, you can design a coupon golf marketing campaign around those programs that will drive traffic to your golf course.

Find out how you can present it to where it is very attractive to the public but yet is not devaluing the golf product and golf service you are promoting.

Coupons are a great vehicle to use to get golfers in the door when you are looking at golf marketing options. When looking at all the different types of golfer keep in mind that there are some golfers who love coupons so if you are going to target them (even if you don’t want to target anybody who’s looking for coupon deals) you must have this arrow in your golf marketing quiver. You do not have the luxury of picking and choosing which medium of media your demographics is going to respond to, so you better know how to enlist them all.

You want to be able to create a golf product for all demographics within reason who can afford the game of golf and fits your golf course’s member profile. If they have the financial means to join a golf course you want to be able to target them with coupons or whatever media is most effective.

Coupons can be presented in numerous ways. You can put coupons in the newspapers, you can put coupons in direct mail pieces, you can send out electronic coupons, etc. The key is to design a coupon golf marketing campaign which has a perceived value offering enormous savings that is going to be very attractive to the golfer and yet does not give golf away or take away from the bottom line of the golf property. Think outside-the-box and you will come up with a great way to use coupons in your golf marketing strategy.

Incorporate coupon golf marketing into your golf marketing strategy and you will grow your golf course, the game and your golf career.

For more free tips on growing the game, increasing rounds through golf course marketing, golf marketing, golf course campaigns, golf campaigns, professional golf membership sales and advancing your golf career visit us today @ or call 904-217-3762.


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