Golf Marketing Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is a term frequently used in golf marketing to measure how golf products and golf services supplied by the golf course are meeting or surpassing the golfer’s expectations.

Customer (golfer) satisfaction is defined as “the number of golfers or percentage of total golfers whose reported experience with a golf course, its golf products, or its golf services (ratings) exceeds specified satisfaction goals.

Customer satisfaction in the golf industry can easily be gauged by doing a simple survey. I cannot stress how important research is in growing your golf course. A little bit of research can save you enormous amounts of money down the road because it helps you to get a better return on your investment. You are going to spend less money by knowing what has worked and what is going to work in the future. All of these things can be accomplished with just a little simple research.

One of the things you can do is put out a small survey asking your golfers to answer a few questions about your golf course. Give your golfers a little bonus for taking the survey, e.g., you might want to give them a free logo ball.

In this survey you want to have some customer satisfaction questions. You want to find out what they are happy with, and about, the golf course, what is the best area of service they are experiencing from your golf course, etc.

Always remember to ask only positive questions. Only ask your golfers about satisfaction and nothing about dissatisfaction. By doing this, you only get positive answers and you can turn them into a customer satisfaction report that you can put on your website. You can also incorporate it into your marketing materials then send it out to your community.

There are all different kinds of ways that you can capitalize on this small inexpensive way of gathering this information by promoting it and using it to grow your golf course.

Customer satisfaction in the community is going to give you more traffic and build more perceived value for your golf course. With that said, you should start conducting customer satisfaction surveys today, then put them on your website or put them in your marketing materials, etc., and show the community that golfers love your golf course.

Learn to promote customer satisfaction at your golf course and you will grow your golf course, the game and your golf career.

For more free tips on growing the game, increasing rounds through golf course marketing, golf marketing, golf course campaigns, golf campaigns, professional golf membership sales and advancing your golf career visit us today @ or call 904-217-3762.


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