Golf marketing exposure is one of the key reasons why MMC® chose to use direct mail as our primary source of golf marketing media. The reason why we use direct mail is because it gives the golf property the most exposure from the least investment. When you are targeting your local market, you have to concentrate 95% of your golf marketing efforts within a 20-mile radius of your golf course. Most golf marketers are oblivious to this and they always want to focus on income (because this is what the owner thinks and the golf marketer is more worried about losing their job than standing up and saying “that is a bad idea”.). This is a huge elementary mistake because your market is 20 miles of your golf property; you must introduce/expose yourself to every household within that 20-mile radius.
Golf marketing exposure means you get your brand in front of as many golfers as possible. This can only be done effectively through direct mail. Most golf cours have a difficult time understanding the return on investment when it comes to direct mail. In a previous blog, I spoke about mind share; direct mail not only gives you the best return on investment for immediate results but also provide you with long term residual dividends paid through your golf marketing endeavors.
Everyone wants to get the biggest bang for their buck from their golf marketing. Direct mail does this; not only is it a huge revenue producer (when designed correctly) but it also gives you enormous exposure in the right places which is your immediate area. This is a challenge when it comes to newspaper ads, radio, television, etc. All of these media are vehicles to drive traffic to your golf course but your primary focus should always be on your immediate 20-mile radius of your golf course because this is where you are going to experience your greatest success. This is unless you are targeting destination golfers; but if you are the average golf course trying to increase rounds or raise revenue, focus on your immediate area and focus on your market exposure.
Learn more about golf marketing exposure and you will grow your golf course, the game and your golf career.
For more free tips on growing the game, increasing rounds through golf course marketing, golf marketing, golf course campaigns, golf campaigns, professional golf membership sales and advancing your golf career visit us today @ or call 904-217-3762.