Golf properties frequently fall into patterns when it comes to golf course marketing. Sadly, most golf properties have a handful of ideas and a few “go to” mediums of delivery when it comes to attracting new golfers. Discounted tee times, free lunch, free range balls, etc., which are delivered via e-mails, newspaper ads, cart signage, etc. are the staples of the golf industry.
The tragedy of limited knowledge and innovation of golf course marketing is that you can easily fall victim to numerous external circumstances like new or improved competition, the economy, etc., and suddenly the golf property is now in serious trouble and possibly on the verge of bankruptcy; all because the education and knowledge of golf course marketing was very limited, or worse, non-existent.
Think of it as going into battle against one hundred enemies having only a handful of arrows in your quiver. In this scenario, when faced with the real threat of possible failure and the fight or flight response sets in, it is understandable why most golf marketers choose to flee (even if only internally) and “hope” things get better, i.e., good weather, get all of the outings in, etc., as opposed to reaching into their quiver for new arrows.
The key to avoiding this pit fall is to experiment with numerous mediums and campaigns for marketing your golf course. Let’s take for example; we want to prepare a golf marketing strategy for 2014. In this example we will use a golf course in the north that probably is closed during January and February. Unless you are MMC® (, you probably won’t be acquiring new golfers, so, you’ll want to start setting yourself up for March onward. You could start with a little educational golf marketing to your existing lists with some bi-monthly (blasting your email list more than twice a month is list suicide, unless you have something extremely important to share with your golfers) tips on improving their game with indoor exercises and drills.
Educational golf marketing (also Branding) is a highly effective way to connect with your golfers without always trying to sell them something. At this time you are just planting seeds and if what you are sharing with them has value they will share it with their friends and it will start creating a buzz about your golf property.
The key point I want to make here is always have a variety of golf marketing ideas and mediums in your quiver in case one (golf marketing campaign or medium) performs poorly, you can immediately move on to another.
Be innovative with your golf marketing campaigns and you will grow your golf course, the game and your golf career.
For more free tips on growing the game, increasing rounds through golf course marketing, golf marketing, golf course campaigns, golf campaigns, professional golf membership sales and advancing your golf career visit us today @ or call 904-217-3762.