Golf Marketing Hasn’t Changed Part 2

After putting together some mail outs for the months of January and February, it is time for you to think about March. If March is the beginning of your season, launch a golf marketing campaign announcing the opening of the golf course for the new season. Think of something that all core golfers want, package it in a way that is attractive and find the most powerful medium to deliver your message.

If you chose to send out emails for the January golf marketing campaign, then newspaper ads for the February golf marketing campaign and cart signage for your March campaign, i.e., mix it up; look at maybe doing a radio golf marketing campaign for April (of course with a different draw), maybe a free teleseminar for May, a direct mail golf marketing campaign for June and so on.

Repeat this process for the remaining months of the year while changing up the offer, price and medium of delivery each month. At the end of the year you can go through the golf marketing campaigns and analyze the results, keep what worked and throw it into your quiver, dissect the things that didn’t work and try them with a new twist next year. You are probably thinking “this could take years to perfect”; and you’d be exactly correct. But ask yourself how long do you plan on being in this business, and if your answer is more than five years; go for it because it will catapult your golf career and your golf property into financial freedom.

Always try to keep your message about your brand consistent. When people think of your golf course, you want them to associate your brand to a specific message. Always change up the offer so golfers will pay attention to your golf marketing efforts but that doesn’t mean you need to change your pricing. You can advertise six of one, or a half dozen of the other. Changing up your golf ads like this helps you find headlines that are strong and at the same time you’ll discover the ones that are too weak.

Golf marketing is a science and an art that requires a lot of time and attention for several years to learn how to effectively engage the casual and core golfer. Everything is relative and this couldn’t be any truer than in golf marketing. You can do test golf marketing for a minimal investment but your return will be minimal as well. You get what you put into it is a real fact when it comes to golf marketing. But if your budget is limited and you don’t want to ask for help, then go for it and go for it consistently, you will increase rounds and you will raise golf revenue.

Be consistent with your golf marketing campaigns and you will grow your golf course, the game and your golf career.

For more free tips on growing the game, increasing rounds through golf course marketing, golf marketing, golf course campaigns, golf campaigns, professional golf membership sales and advancing your golf career visit us today @ or call 904-217-3762.


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