Golf Marketing: Key Success Factors

Key success factors are the factors necessary for success in a given market. For example, in a highly middle class market, a golf course that wants to succeed must have affordable golf for the local community or rely 100% on destination golf. But the other success factor to remember when targeting your golfers from outside of your community is this: do these golfers who can afford to play golf anywhere they want, want to travel through the community (the same community you don’t want golfing at your golf course) to golf at your golf course?

Key success factors are, knowing your demographics, your target market, knowing the golfer you are trying to acquire, etc. As a golf club marketer, you must study numerous pieces of data when it comes to successfully marketing your golf course. I have said numerous times, your primary target market as a local golf course is, the 20-mile radius around your golf course. It is not rocket science, you just have to go online (which that data will be a year or two old but better than nothing) and get the demographic information for your prospective golf member within that 20-mile radius of your golf club. This will take time, a little bit of effort and a lot of research, but luckily some of the information you need is already available on the Internet.

Start with the basic criteria for demographics, i.e., age, income, education, marital status etc. After you gather this data break up what you have into different categories. Take the percentages of how many people fall into a specific income bracket, specific age bracket, specific educational background, e.g., how many golfers have a graduate degree, how many are undergraduate, how many have a high school education. How many residents are single, how many are married, etc.

All of this data plays a major role when it comes to profiling your ideal target (golfer). The reason why most golf courses don’t do research is, one, they have no concept of the vast benefits of gathering demographic data, two, they are uneducated on how to maximize the benefits of the data and third, they don’t have the personnel it requires to pull the data. That’s why MMC® has a research center that spends 24 hours a day, seven days a week, pulling all of the research data on every golf property we work with.

Knowing your demographics is time-consuming but the payoff is astronomical especially when it comes to your return on investment (ROI).

When you start marketing your golf club, learn the key success factors as they pertain to your golf club and you will grow your golf course, the game and your golf career.

For more free tips on growing the game, increasing rounds through golf course marketing, golf marketing, golf course campaigns, golf campaigns, professional golf membership sales and advancing your golf career visit us today @ or call 904-217-3762.


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