Optimize Revenue Through Golf Marketing

One of the things I often see when meeting with golf professionals, golf course general managers and golf course owners is that they are over qualified for their own good. Let me explain. Most golf professionals, golf course general managers and golf course owners have been in, or around the golf industry for a very long time. They have seen the way things are done in other golf properties and especially in the golf properties they aim to emulate, but in the end, they end up just copying everything including the mistakes.

The challenge with this way of growing a golf course is that most golf properties, golf professionals, golf course general managers and golf course owners are basically doing the same thing, the same way. If you analyze as we do at MMC® (www.golfmarketingmmc.com) golf properties throughout the world, you will uncover most golf properties are doing about 80% of the same things, the same ways, as that of the rest of the golf properties in the world. The only difference is normally the skill set of the golf professional, golf course general manager and/or golf course owner who is/are running the operation and their proficiency in a given field.

In most cases the challenge is coming up with fresh ideas like putting together a golf package or golf membership that is more attractive than that of the past, or finding a better way of delivering your message to the golfing community, or engaging the golfing community in a way that makes them want to get involved with the golf course.

Driving in new traffic is about getting the golfers to see the value of the golf membership or golf package. Are you building the perceived value of your golf product and golf services or are you diminishing the value of your golf product and golf services? Maybe you have enormous value to offer but are not delivering the message properly. Maybe you have tons of traffic but are lacking the professional sales skills to lock-up the relationships.

Sometimes, it’s best just to get out of your own way and call in a fresh new set of eyes to take a look at things; have someone look at things from the golfer’s perspective and not your perspective. Albert Einstein has been quoted numerous times saying “insanity is doing the same things over and over expecting a different result”.

Call MMC® today for your golf marketing and you will grow your golf course, the game and your golf career.

For more free tips on growing the game, increasing rounds through golf course marketing, golf marketing, golf course campaigns, golf campaigns, professional golf membership sales and advancing your golf career visit us today @ www.golfmarketingmmc.com or call 904-217-3762.


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