Marketers nowadays are incorporating sex in golf course advertising and golf marketing to draw interest and help sell golf products and services. This golf marketing technique is the use of sexual or erotic imagery also known as sex appeal, such as that of a pretty woman, and does not have to have connection to the golf product and/or golf service being advertised. The purpose of the imagery is to attract the attention of the golfer and encourage them to read the entire content of the golf advertisement since images that suggest something sexual are easily caught by the eyes of the public/golfer.
Golf marketing lends itself beautifully to sex in advertisement but of course only if done in a very classy way. Exclusivity (golf membership), athleticism, intellectuality, etc. can all be spun with a sexy twist in your golf marketing campaigns. The key is to do it with class to maintain your brand’s core identity.
Sex sells so do not be afraid to capitalize on this golf marketing tool. It is very easy to insert good-looking women and good-looking men into golf advertisements. I’ll say it again, sex sells, and if used properly, it can sell in a very professional way. You do not want to be blatant about the sexual overtones in your golf advertisement but you do want to show the prospective golfer that golf can be sexy.
Another great angle to play in your golf marketing is that being a member of your golf course is a great way to meet people that have similar backgrounds and interests as you. Always be creative and let yourself have a little fun with this golf marketing concept and see if you can come up with something innovative and sexy that fits your brand and vision.
Put a little sex appeal in your golf marketing and you will grow your golf course, the game and your golf career.
For more free tips on growing the game, increasing rounds through golf course marketing, golf marketing, golf course campaigns, golf campaigns, professional golf membership sales and advancing your golf career visit us today @ or call 904-217-3762.